36" Basswood Brown Trout Trophy displayed on American Walnut Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on a distinctively robust and bright sea-run brown fresh from the south Atlantic with a beautiful and surreal mix of reflected blues and violets.

36" Basswood Brown Trout Trophy displayed on American Walnut Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on a distinctively robust and bright sea-run brown fresh from the south Atlantic with a beautiful and surreal mix of reflected blues and violets.

27" Basswood Brown Trout Trophy displayed on American Black Cherry Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on an unusual and distinctive brown with its refracted flank spots and fan tail.

Jackson Hole One Fly Project Fine Spotted Cutthroat Trout. 38" Wood-marine epoxy composite weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1.81:1 Modeled on specimens caught and released on the Snake River, Wyoming.

10" Basswood Eastern Brook Trout Model, with basswood branch and freestone stream bed. Brass maple leaf. Modeled on a specimen from the Kennebec River, Maine.

10" Basswood Eastern Brook Trout Model, with basswood branch and freestone stream bed. Brass maple leaf. Modeled on a specimen from the Kennebec River, Maine.

Eastern Brook Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 2.57:1. Inspired by a specimen caught, photographed and released (CPR) on the Swift River, Massachusetts.

Eastern Brook Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 2.57:1. Inspired by a specimen caught, photographed and released (CPR) on the Swift River, Massachusetts.

30" Basswood Brown Trout Trophy on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on the fish caught and released on Lago Magdalena, Patagonia Chile - Estancia De Los Rios.

9" Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Trophy. A decade after the original trophy commission, a reimagined habitat display designed and custom fitted for a recessed alcove. Basswood fish and freestone stream bed. Brass rhododendrons with basswood buds and Black Cherry display board.

7" Basswood Brown Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on a fish caught and released in the South Toe River, western North Carolina.

7" Basswood Brown Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on a fish caught and released in the South Toe River, western North Carolina.

32" Basswood Atlantic Salmon Trophy displayed on American Black Walnut Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on the fish caught and realeased on the River Spey, Scotland.

32" Basswood Atlantic Salmon Trophy displayed on American Black Walnut Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on the fish caught and realeased on the River Spey, Scotland.

McCloud River Redband Trout. 30" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 5:1.

McCloud River Redband Trout. 30" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 5:1.

McCloud River Redband Trout. 30" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 5:1.

Atlantic Cod. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1:1. Modeled on Images of Atlantic Cod in their natural habitat.

Atlantic Cod. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1:1. Modeled on Images of Atlantic Cod in their natural habitat.

Battenkill Brown Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 2:1. Modeled on a fish caught and released on the Battenkill River, Vermont.

Miramichi River Atlantic Salmon - "Bright Hen". 40" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white pine and white cedar), scale 1.33:1. Modeled on Salmon of the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada.

Miramichi River Atlantic Salmon - "Bright Hen". 40" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white pine and white cedar), scale 1.33:1. Modeled on Salmon of the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada.

48" Sword Fish Wood-marine epoxy composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1:1.

48" Sword Fish Wood-marine epoxy composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1:1.

44" Basswood Atlantic Salmon Trophy displayed on American Black Cherry Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on the fish caught and realeased on the Upsalquitch River, New Bruswick, Canada.

6" Jelutong Golden Trout Creek Golden Trout Trophy on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on the fish caught and released in Big Whitney Meadow, California.

Battenkill Brown Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 2:1. Modeled on a fish caught and released on the Battenkill River, Vermont.

18" Jelutong Resident form Atlantic Salmon Model on basswood and white cedar stream bed. Wall mount. Modeled on the fish caught and released on the West Branch Penobscot River, Maine.

30" Basswood Bull Trout Trophy displayed on Fumed American Black Cherry Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on the fish caught and released on the Wigwam River, British Columbia, Canada.

30" Basswood Bull Trout Trophy displayed on Fumed American Black Cherry Panel. Legend by John Stevens. Modeled on the fish caught and released on the Wigwam River, British Columbia, Canada.

The beautiful free hand lettering by John Stevens painted with enamel on Fumed American Black Cherry Panel.

6.5" Basswood Brown Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on a fish caught and released in Patagonia Chile - Estancia De Los Rios.

6.5" Basswood Brown Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on a fish caught and released in Patagonia Chile - Estancia De Los Rios.

Atlantic Mackerel. 42" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 3.5:1. Modeled on Images of Atlantic Mackerel in their natural habitat. Commissioned to display in the Scilly Isles, U.K.

Atlantic Mackerel. 42" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 3.5:1. Modeled on Images of Atlantic Mackerel in their natural habitat. Commissioned to display in the Scilly Isles, U.K.

Pit River Redband Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 3:1. Modeled on specimens caught, photographed and released in the Pit River, California.

Pit River Redband Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 3:1. Modeled on specimens caught, photographed and released in the Pit River, California.

Lake Sturgeon. 60" Basswood English Style wall mounted half-body Model. Modeled on photographed specimens from the Great Lakes.

Lake Sturgeon. 60" Basswood English Style wall mounted half-body Model. Modeled on photographed specimens from the Great Lakes.

Loch Leven Brown Trout. 48" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 2:1. Modeled on specimens caught, photographed and released in the upper McCloud River, California.

Southern Appalachian Brook Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 4.5:1.

Southern Appalachian Brook Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 4.5:1.

5" Basswood Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on fish caught, photographed and released in the mountain streams of western North Carolina.

Eastern Brook Trout. 31" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1.25:1. Modeled on specimens caught and released in Labrador.

Eastern Brook Trout. 31" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 1.25:1. Modeled on specimens caught and released in Labrador.

6" Basswood Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on fish caught, photographed and released in the mountain streams of western North Carolina.

6" Basswood Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Model on basswood freestone stream bed. Modeled on fish caught, photographed and released in the mountain streams of western North Carolina.

Red Drum. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 2:1.

Coastal Rainbow Trout. 36" Wood-marine epoxy Composite Weathervane (northern white cedar), scale 3:1.

48” Coastal Rainbow Trout Steelhead “Bright Hen”, northern white cedar marine wood epoxy-composite weathervane . Scale 1.6:1. Commissioned by the Orvis Company for their western flagship store, Bend Oregon.

12" Jelutong Snake River Fine Spotted Cutthroat trout model with basswood branch and freestone stream bed. Modeled on specimens from the Snake River, Wyoming.